Author: Dr. Volkan Pelitli

Dr. Volkan Pelitli

Eco-Labeling Programs for Lubricants

Eco-Labeling Programs for Lubricants

Today, many eco-label and eco-certification programs have been launched to validate green product claims, guide green purchasing, and enhance environmental performance standards. ...

26.08.2024 15:21:00
Columns     Dr. Volkan Pelitli    
Metal concentrations in waste engine oils

Metal concentrations in waste engine oils

While gasoline and diesel engine oils, also called engine or crankcase oils, perform important and obvious functions such as reducing friction and wear on moving engine parts, ...

9.05.2024 16:15:00
Columns     Dr. Volkan Pelitli    
Can the amount of waste oil formation be estimated?

Can the amount of waste oil formation be estimated?

The main problem in the effective and sustainable management of waste oils is that the total annual amount of waste oil generation is not known before waste oil minimization and ...

12.03.2024 12:00:00
Columns     Dr. Volkan Pelitli    
Best available techniques (BAT) in waste oil refining

Best available techniques (BAT) in waste oil refining

Waste management in the European Union is an important part of the transition to a circular economy and shaping waste policy is based on the “Waste Hierarchy”, which ...

15.01.2024 14:00:00
Columns     Dr. Volkan Pelitli    
Environmental management and pollution control in used oil refineries

Environmental management and pollution control in used oil refineries

Waste oil re-refineries are complex facilities where waste oils (halogen containing/non-halogen mineral based waste process oils, waste synthetic process oils, mineral chlorine ...

30.10.2023 16:50:00
Columns     Dr. Volkan Pelitli    
Sustainable and reliable waste oil management

Sustainable and reliable waste oil management

Due to their high lubricating content (70% base oil, C18-C40), economic significance and increasing quantities (approximately 250,000 tons per year), waste oils have gained ...

28.08.2023 15:15:00
Columns     Dr. Volkan Pelitli    
Can lubricating oils be produced from carbon-rich waste?

Can lubricating oils be produced from carbon-rich waste?

As a part of daily industrial production and daily life, carbon-rich waste such as wastewater, treatment sludge, lignocellulosic waste, or vegetable waste oils are transferred to ...

12.06.2023 13:30:00
Columns     Dr. Volkan Pelitli    
Can lubricants be eco-friendly?

Can lubricants be eco-friendly?

Lubricating oils, especially hydraulic system oils; inevitably spread to the environment due to the leaks, spills, line breaks and assembly failures. Lubricants such as chain, ...

9.05.2023 13:00:00
Columns     Dr. Volkan Pelitli    
Sustainable engineering: Can lubricants reduce CO2 emissions?

Sustainable engineering: Can lubricants reduce CO2 emissions?

Today, our planet comes up against global problems such as climate change, limited natural resources and environmental pollution. Based on these problems, negotiations regarding ...

25.02.2023 11:35:00
Columns     Dr. Volkan Pelitli