21.4 C

Issue: 44


  • Page 8: In-Depth – TAYRAŞ: Every step is eco – friendly, every step is safe
  • Page 12: Facility Review – Petroyag takes firm steps towards globalization
  • Page 18: Column – Prof. Dr. Filiz Karaosmanoğlu – Lubricating Oil Packaging
  • Page 20: Interview – Güney Devrim İldiri, General Manager of Nynas Türkiye
  • Page 26: Product Review – CONDAT: A selection of eco-designed lubricants
  • Page 30: Article – Development of e-greases and evaluation of nanoparticles in e-grease production
  • Page 34: Column – Dr. Volkan Pelitli – Sustainable and reliable waste oil management
  • Page 38: Column – Umut Arslan – The contribution of lubricant analysis to carbon footprint reduction process

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