
Global Lubricant Week will be held online on 20-21 October

Each year the most influential players and decision makers of the international lubricant industry meet at the “Global Lubricant Week” (Moscow). We invite you to join them at this event, that will be held ONLINE (www.lubesweek.com) on October 20-21. 

The Conference is annually sponsored by the LUKOIL Lubricants company.

Evonik Operations GmbH will participate as a Sponsor-Partner, Infieum and APL will participate as Sponsors of the event.

“Global Lubricant Week” has a reputation as the leading conference in the Russian lubricants industry. The caliber of the attendees and the sponsors, coupled with excellent networking opportunities, unrivalled evening receptions, and a high-level program have “Global Lubricant Week” the reputation it deserves.


Among the confirmed speakers of the event:

Kirill Vereta, General Director, LUKOIL Lubricants Company

Dominik Boehm, Customer Relations Director – Europe, Middle East, Africa / Oil Additives, Evonik Operations GmbH / Specialty Additives

– Representative, LUKOIL Lubricants Company

– Representative, Infineum

– Markus Gohl, Head of Basic Development, APL Automobil-Prüftechnik Landau GmbH

Anatolij Smirnov, Technical Support Manager, Evonik Operations GmbH, Oil Additives

– Artiom Kozlovski, Partner, Head of Oil & Gas Advisory Practice (Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe & Central Asia, EY

– Sharbel Luzuriaga, Project Manager, Energy & Industrials Practice, Kline

– Frederik Johanson, Partner, REACHLaw Ltd.

– Amitabh Jain, CGM – R&D, Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited, Vashi R&D, Navi Mumbai

– Dmitry Boykov, Lead Specialist of the Test Center, Avtodizel (YaMZ)

– Petr Pavlushkov, Recondoil Technical Sales Manager, SKF

– Sergey Protiven, Head of Laboratory of Fuels and Lubricants, AVTOVAZ

– Irina Vinogradova, Manager, Consulting, Argus

And others.


In 2021 such companies as LUKOIL Lubricants, Evonik Oil Additives, Infineum, FUCHS PETROLUB SE, BP, Afton Chemical, Chevron Oronite, Lubrizol, Sasol, Clariant, Gazpromneft Lubricants, Idemitsu Lubricants, SEQENS, SGS, HILL Corporation, ROWE RUSSLAND, TANECO, INTESMO, Naftan, MEDCO, TARMOND, Shamrock Shipping & Trading Limited, SKF, INEOS Oligomers, B2X Consulting, Evooil Kazakhstan, ChTPZ, Fluid Solutions GmbH, Multisol, APO RUS, Hyundai Corporation, Lifan Motors Rus, Baltica Trans, ROLT Energy Service, Bang & Bonsomer, Eurasia Lubricants, Azelis, INEOS Oligomers, Metall-Chemie, RUSAL, ALFA Chemicals, Russian Railways, Mosgortrans, ALROSA, Jungheinrich, Pall Eurasia, PSA Groupe, OATS, Mobil Oil Lubricants, Bang & Bonsomer, DVCH-Management (MDD BEL), VNII NP, Intake-Group, Uralnefteproduct, Obninskorgsintez, EPK, Additech, Sibnefteproduct, BELAZ, MIC GSM, ROSPOLYKHEM, AVTOTOR Holding Management, Roszheldorsnab (Russian Railways), Avtomir, Spetsneftproduct, Minsk Motor Plant, Yaroslavl Industrial Oil Refinery named after Mendeleev, Techstroykontrakt, Modengy, AVTOVAZ, Shell Neft, Neftekhimavtomatika, Devon Group, Norilsk Nikel, Greif, AGA, DHW Deutsche Hydrierwerk GmbH Rodleben, John Deere, SKY-Chemicals,, AVIKS GROUP, Banesto Products Private Limited, Kamran Lubricants, Kazecotech, Volkswagen Group, Mercedes-Benz Manufacturing and many others will participate in the conference.


Structure of the Event

October 20, Day 1. World, Economy and Lubrication: New Realities

October 21, Day 2. Consumer Today: New Lubricants Consumption Paradigms


Accompanying virtual 2D Exhibition of the products, solutions and services for the lubricant industry “Services and Equipment for the Lubricant Industry 2021” will be held during the “Global Lubricant Week”. The exhibition is the best place for suppliers to be presented in this segment. At the Russian Lubricant Week we gather top-managers and leading specialists of the majority of Russian and key CIS companies. So you will present online your company business and competence, spread informational materials, hold business talks with most of potential partners and lubricant suppliers.


For more information, please, see the website:


To register as a delegate, exponent or speaker or obtain more information, please, contact:
Elena Konstantinova: +7 (495) 502 54 33 / 778 93 32. E-mail: Konstantinova.Elena@rpiinc.ru  


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