
Evonik stands with Türkiye

The German company Evonik, one of the world leaders in the field of specialty chemicals, was deeply affected by the devastating dimensions of the earthquake in Türkiye and Syria. Company empathizes with people who lost their relatives and homes as a result of the disaster. Evonik donated 100,000 Euros to the “Save the Children” organization, which provides emergency assistance with food, water and shelter to families in earthquake-affected areas.

In addition, nearly 34,000 employees of Evonik launched a donation campaign for earthquake victims. Thanks to this donation campaign, the company will further increase its aid to the region.

“Hundreds of people of Turkish origin work at Evonik. Many of them have relatives or friends in earthquake – affected areas. They are very worried about them. Given the scale of this disaster, we all want to do our part to alleviate some of the hardship. Our prayers and hearts are with the people of Türkiye!” said Human Resources Director Thomas Wessel.

The money donated primarily aims to support the work of the Turkish civil defense institution AFAD in the field. Some Evonik employees experienced in disaster relief also want to volunteer in crisis areas. Evonik’s employees in the area planned that the first emergency aid would go to AFAD a week after the earthquake.

In addition, a truck with aid materials such as blankets and provisions for small children will set off from Adapazarı for the earthquake zone. Evonik has approximately 200 employees in the Adapazarı and Tuzla (Istanbul) regions of Türkiye. Both locations are located far from the epicenter of the earthquake.

Selcuk Akat, General Manager of ADCO, which is the distributor of Evonik’s Oil Additives business line in Türkiye, thanked Evonik for standing with Türkiye in these difficult times. Akat said, “The support and solidarity of the international community to our country is very important to us. This helping hand you extended to the earthquake zone is a symbol of our friendship that goes back many years.”

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